Mubert AI Review: A Harmony of AI and Artists For the Future of Music

Hendrix MIkey
3 min readOct 11, 2023


Hey there, future-forward music enthusiasts! Let’s take a stroll down the melody-laden alley of the future and chat about the intriguing intersection of artificial intelligence and the music industry. Buckle up, it’s about to get harmoniously futuristic!

AI human

First things first, artists, my friends, the heartbeat of the music world. The rise of AI has some of them shaking in their boots, and can you blame them? Imagine spending sleepless nights penning down lyrics, perfecting the chords, only for a bot to come along and churn out a Billboard top-10 hit in milliseconds. It’s like bringing a knife to a laser fight. Not cool at all.

An AI song created using The Weeknd and Drake’s Voice gets pulled off streaming platforms.

But, fear not, dear artists, for in this digital wilderness, there’s a beacon of hope — Mubert AI. Picture this: an AI-driven platform that doesn’t replace musicians but collaborates with them. Mubert uses AI algorithms to generate music in real time, creating an endless stream of unique tracks. It’s like having a musical wizard as your sidekick, ready to spin out tunes tailored to your mood or vibe.

mubert AI website Homepage

Now, let’s address the elephant in the studio — revenue. AI, if left unchecked, could siphon off the traditional revenue streams for artists. Think about it: if algorithms can replicate musical genius, who’s paying for concert tickets or buying albums? It’s a legitimate concern, and artists are rightfully protective of their hard-earned dough.

Yet, Mubert AI takes a detour from this potential dystopian playlist. Instead of threatening the livelihood of artists, it provides a platform for them to monetize their creativity. The AI-generated tracks can be licensed by creators for various projects, from videos to events, putting the power back into the hands of the artists.

It’s not a battle of humans against machines but a symphony of collaboration. Mubert AI isn’t a threat; it’s a game-changer, a virtual studio where AI and artists dance in rhythmic harmony. The future of music isn’t a war, it’s a fusion of the organic and the digital.

So, in this AI-infused future, let’s embrace the change. Picture artists craft their masterpieces while an AI companion adds a sprinkle of futuristic magic. Mubert AI isn’t here to steal the spotlight; it’s here to illuminate it, creating a future where music isn’t just created, it’s co-created. Now, isn’t that a melody we can all groove to?

Upcoming: I’ll be showing you a really cool way to make money off the Youtube Partner Program (YPP) using Mubert AI. Stay Tuned😉!

